Embarassing pictures in 2022

Embarassing pictures in 2022

The year of 2022 is nearing its end and it is time for reminiscence and having fun at other people’s expense.

So please enjoy a few ebarassing pics and we’d like to share some logistics stats, check it out:


  • Countries visited on business: 11 - CZ, SK, EE, PL, HU, SE, DE, NL, UK, USA, UAE
  • Lines of software code written: 95 000
  • Number of picks from our technology: 1,1 million 
  • Attended conferences or fairs: 7
  • Service interventions: 67
  • Percentage of coworkers called Martin: 33,33
  • Number of baristas currently employed: 2
  • Number of rum bottles drunk out of Petra Olsson’s magical car trunk: 12
  • Max utilization of office space: 6 people on 12m2, 17th December in the huge office of Bohumil Tejnický 
  • Number of all-nighters of coding with Jakub Podlesný: 15
  • Total weight of all Pavel Kraus’s watches, combined: 1,39kg
  • Number of thrashed cars: 1
  • Running hours of the stupid ezo-diffuzer in Martin Jasa’s office: 579
  • Games of Prince of Persia played in the meeting room instead of working: 3

We will be back in 2023 on full throttle!

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