VertiFlex Spider

VertiFlex Spider

One of VertiFlex’s longterm goals is to confirm Czechia as the world’s leader of VLM technical innovations. Again, we are offering you a peek into our technology workshops that are set to achieve this goal.

VLM adaptations for fully automatic usage can be costly with long delivery times. We have developed together with our sister company LogTech a smart and price-friendly solution for these cases. By keeping things simple we are bringing to the market full automation for prices that are not sky-high.


Boxes are manipulated on the VLM trays without any need for special adjustment of the storage unit from production. Only a separate addon is placed next to the lift opening with easy trays inlay adaptation. The addon uses our custom designed pneumatic push-grabbers to place and retrieve boxes in the VLM automatically from and on the conveyor. Because many boxes can be manipulated at the same time, this solution can be much better performing that similar dedicated box vertical buffer modules that transport one or two boxes at the same time only and are locked in specific box sizes.



Many existing VLM units can be retrofitted with this technology with very little effort and we offer to deliver it not only for our preffered and technologically superior Weland Solutions Compact Lifts but for lifts of any other producer, too. You can see how VertiFlex Spider works in our video.


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